Due to COVID-19 precautions we continue to offer worship online in addition to our 9:30 Sunday morning in-person worship service.
Typically many things are happening throughout the week here at First Presbyterian Church. Sunday worship is our time to come together in praise to God.
We worship with a variety of music and liturgies. Though somewhat traditional, we are pretty laid-back. You are welcome to come as you are. You will see people in jeans, shorts, suits and dresses. What matters to us is that you’re here.
Children are always welcome in worship. However, we also offer a nursery staffed with our director and volunteers from the congregation for children ages 5 years and under. Worship play-bags are available for children in our sanctuary and all children are welcome to come forward for our “Time with the Children.”
We usually celebrate the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month. We also celebrate The Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday and at the late Christmas Eve Service.
Throughout the year you may hear music from a choir or congregation members, bell ensembles, the Sunday school children, the youth chime choir, the praise and worship band, and/or volunteers who lend their musical gifts in honor and praise to God throughout the worship service.
There is a “Coffee Hour” each week following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall and from September to June Sunday school classes for all ages meet throughout the church (see our Christian Nurture section for more details)