1803 83rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143
- Donor advises their personal broker to deposit “X” shares of specific stocks together with Donor’s name into:
Raymond James
DTC: 0725
FAO First Presbyterian Church- Acct: 20639598
- Donor sends an E-mail ( or calls Jean Bourque, Church Financial Secretary, advising of their donation of “X” shares of stock to the church. Their donation should be credited as a percent* of the total donation to the various funds listed here using their giving envelope #____ for tax purposes and church records;
_____ % General Operating Fund
_____ % Memorial Account
_____ % Building Reserve Fund
_____ % Capital Campaign
_____ % Other
*Please note how to allocate funds as a percentage rather than dollars since the final value in dollars will not be known until the stock sale is completed.
- Raymond James, upon receipt of the stock transfer to acct # 20639598 will sell the stock and wire the funds (less sales fees) to the church. Our church Financial Secretary will E-mail the donor confirming the receipt of the funds.
For further assistance please contact:
Church Financial Secretary–Jean Bourque
Finance Team Member–Ron Bauman