1803 83rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143

  1. Donor advises their personal broker to deposit “X” shares of specific stocks together with Donor’s name into:

Raymond James

DTC: 0725

FAO First Presbyterian Church- Acct:  20639598

  1. Donor sends an E-mail ( or calls Jean Bourque, Church Financial Secretary, advising of their donation of “X” shares of stock to the church. Their donation should be credited as a percent* of the total donation to the various funds listed here using their giving envelope #____ for tax purposes and church records;

_____ % General Operating Fund

_____ % Memorial Account

_____ % Building Reserve Fund

_____ % Capital Campaign

_____ % Other


*Please note how to allocate funds as a percentage rather than dollars since the final value in dollars will not be known until the stock sale is completed.

  1. Raymond James, upon receipt of the stock transfer to acct # 20639598 will sell the stock and wire the funds (less sales fees) to the church.  Our church Financial Secretary will E-mail the donor confirming the receipt of the funds.

For further assistance please contact:

Church Financial Secretary–Jean Bourque

Finance Team Member–Ron Bauman