We are all ministers of Christ whether we are in ordained ministry or not. It is our privilege and responsibility to care for each other in times of joy and sorrow.

Through the various ministries of care within the congregation we seek to support those in need and celebrate with those who rejoice. Though God has called some of us to specific ministries in the church, we are all called to care for and serve those in need. We also care for our staff as we care for each other by giving them the opportunity to follow God’s call in our midst while compensating them fairly.

We are all ministers of Christ whether we are in ordained ministry or not. It is our privilege and responsibility to care for each other in times of joy and sorrow.

Through the various ministries of care within the congregation we seek to support those in need and celebrate with those who rejoice. Though God has called some of us to specific ministries in the church, we are all called to care for and serve those in need. We also care for our staff as we care for each other by giving them the opportunity to follow God’s call in our midst while compensating them fairly.

Pastoral Care

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

It is our privilege to minister to members of our congregation during times of joy and sorrow. Life brings many changes and challenges and through the ministry of our Deacons, Commissioned Ruling Elder, and Pastor we seek to bring comfort, healing and hope during difficult times. Our pastor is always available to visit with members when they are hospitalized as well as calling upon them in their homes. It is a great joy to share God’s love with those in need and one that strengthens the entire family of God. If you or someone you love would welcome a visit from one of our pastors please contact the church office.


Church Deacons are responsible for local missions in the Kenosha community and for directing the congregation’s care and attention to those in need, the lonely, and those effected by disaster within our church and throughout our local area. Our Deacons can be reached through the church office.

Commissioned Ruling Elder

The Commissioned Ruling elder, Sara Miles, is available for visits and/or phone contacts for pastoral care. She delivers communion to homebound members and makes regular visits to those who cannot gather with the community.

To reach Sara, contact the church office.

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Pastoral Care

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

It is our privilege to minister to members of our congregation during times of joy and sorrow. Life brings many changes and challenges and through the ministry of our Deacons, Commissioned Elder, and Pastor we seek to bring comfort, healing and hope during difficult times. Our pastor is always available to visit with members when they are hospitalized as well as calling upon them in their homes. It is a great joy to share God’s love with those in need and one that strengthens the entire family of God. If you or someone you love would welcome a visit from one of our pastors please contact the church office.


Church Deacons are responsible for local missions in the Kenosha community and for directing the congregation’s care and attention to those in need, the lonely, and those effected by disaster within our church and throughout our local area. Our Deacons can be reached through the church office.

Commissioned Ruling Elder

The Commissioned Ruling Elder, Sara Miles, is available for visits and/or phone contacts for pastoral care.  She delivers communion to homebound members and makes regular visits to those who cannot gather with the community.

To reach Sara, contact the church office.

Prayer Chain Ministry

The Board of Deacons maintains a “chain of prayer” to surround those in need with the prayers of the church. A telephone tree and mass email alert prayer chain members of those in need of prayer with little or no detail.

If you would like to add a name to the Chain of Prayer, please contact the church office.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

A ministry of our Board of Deacons, the Prayer Shawl ministry uses the knitting and crocheting talents of people in the church to create shawls that are given to people inside and outside the congregation as a reminder of God’s presenceand our prayers.

Shawls are given to those who are ill, those who have lost loved ones, those celebrating weddings and the birth of children, and many others. Each shawl is prayed over as it is created and given in the hopes that those prayers and God’s presence will be felt in a real way.

Prayer Chain Ministry

The Board of Deacons maintains a “chain of prayer” to surround those in need with the prayers of the church. A telephone tree and mass email alert prayer chain members of those in need of prayer with little or no detail.

If you would like to add a name to the Chain of Prayer, please contact the church office.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

A ministry of our Board of Deacons, the Prayer Shawl ministry uses the knitting and crocheting talents of people in the church to create shawls that are given to people inside and outside the congregation as a reminder of God’s presenceand our prayers.

Shawls are given to those who are ill, those who have lost loved ones, those celebrating weddings and the birth of children, and many others. Each shawl is prayed over as it is created and given in the hopes that those prayers and God’s presence will be felt in a real way.